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Winning fight against COVID-19 requires strength of WHO: Says Chinese mediaBreaking

April 30, 2020

BEIJING, April 29 (INP): US President Donald Trump on April 14, announced that he would halt US funding to the World Health Organization(WHO), accusing the agency of failing to obtain, vet and share information in a timely and transparent manner.
This move will doubtless affect WHO financially. As an agency of the United Nations, WHO has limited resources and cannot carry out its operations without international cooperation. According to China Economic Net, at this critical moment when countries around the world are working together to fight the COVID-19 epidemic, US funding suspension will impair the agency's ability, and that shows irresponsibility that does not fit the status of the US as a major country and will not help stop the spread of the disease. The country is now a "political cancer" that undermines global anti-epidemic efforts. The US has made its intention very clear, that is to blame others for the COVID-19 outbreak to shift American attention. Its true aim is to cover up its failure to adopt effective anti-epidemic measures, which has led to terrible consequences. More than 800,000 Americans have been infected, of which tens of thousands have died, and the unemployment has soared to the highest level since the Great Depression. Therefore, China, where the infection was spotted, and WHO, the multilateral organization involved in public health security, have been made the "scapegoat". Since the coronavirus disease outbreak in January, Americans from all walks of life have never stopped hurling accusations at China. Some senior US officials and right-wing media have continuously stigmatized China. In the face of public grievances and international criticism due to poor prevention and control, and with unsuccessful attempts to make China a "scapegoat", the US plays its old trick. It has pinned the blame on WHO, politicized the COVID-19 epidemic, and even taken a despicable and barbarous act like "funding halt" as a political threat against WHO, in an attempt to shift the blame for the grave epidemic situation in the country onto others. This mindset and action of the country as a global superpower are contemptible and demonstrate its arrogance and prejudice. The US is completely ignoring its responsibilities and obligations as a superpower. A Chinese proverb says, if you are out to condemn someone, you can always trump up a charge. WHO has taken active actions and earnestly performed its duties since the COVID-19 outbreak. Its anti-epidemic efforts have been acclaimed by the international community and recognized by many people around the world. On January 1, WHO activated a crisis group, putting the body on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak. On January 14, it pointed out that there might have been limited human-to-human transmission. On January 30, it declared COVID-19 to be a public health emergency of international concern. From February 16 to 24, an expert team from WHO traveled to China for an on-site situation assessment. On February 27, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus urged countries to use the window of opportunity and take prompt actions. On February 28, WHO increased its COVID-19 risk assessment to "very high at a global level". On March 11, WHO designated COVID-19 as a pandemic. Despite all these alerts, many American politicians continuously pretend to be "asleep". As a consequence, the situation in their country has become worse. Many US people remain "asleep" as their "Twitter President" says that the coronavirus will "miraculously go away", "I think we have it totally under control," "the risk to Americans from coronavirus is very low"... These eventually have led to the grave epidemic situation in the US today. COVID-19 has become a global pandemic. At this critical moment, the role of WHO is much more important than ever before. COVID-19 is a new type of disease, about which human beings knew nothing at the beginning. People around the world must unite and strengthen cooperation to contain it as soon as possible and restore the normal world order.
WHO plays a leading role in the battle. It is coordinating the medical resources of countries, training health care workers, and facilitating vaccine research and development.
The health systems of most developing countries are weak, and COVID-19 is highly infectious, posing a serious threat to the lives and safety of people in small and medium-sized countries. The prevention and control in these countries could relate directly to whether the global fight against the epidemic will win or not. WHO can better coordinate the resources of all parties and more efficiently provide support to small and medium-sized countries. As of mid-April, WHO had delivered over two million pieces of personal protective equipment to 133 countries and regions and more than one million testing kits to 126 countries and regions. These resources are undoubtedly important for small and medium-sized countries to fight and win the battle against the epidemic. With our efforts aggregated, we will conquer all difficulties; with our intelligence crystallized, we will not fail. Blaming and shifting the blame onto others will not help solve any problem. Any attempts to weaken the role of any multilateral organizations like WHO and to undermine the global health governance system are extremely irresponsible and could threaten the safety and health of people. To win the global battle against COVID-19 requires sincerity, unity, the adherence to the concept of building a community of shared future for mankind and multilateralism and, more than ever, the strength of WHO.