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The Upcoming 30 Years of “Xi Jin Ping’s New Era” the Final Realization of “the Chinese Dream”Breaking

April 04, 2018

CTTV  CHIEF EDITOR WEN ZHI As the two Sessions of the China (NPC&CPPCC) is due to open annually, and the Constitutions is being amended as well, it comes to mind that in the November of 2014, a student once abroad first brought up “the Three Eras Theory”, “the New Era of Today’s China”, it is also called “the Xi Jin Ping New Era”, and some opinions and suggestions related. Then in 2015, the man edited a book named the New Era of Today’s China, published by China Literature and History Press domestically and internationally. The Premiere of the book has been held in CPPCC auditorium just after the closing ceremony of the two Sessions of that year. At that time, the main media of state level, such as People’s Network, Xinhuanet, GMW.net, CE.cn, Youth.cn, CRI online, all had reported on that. Now we announce publicly the summary of the original report to the central government as following: The opinions and suggestions related to “the Three Eras Theory” and “the New Era of Today’s China”, which is also called “the Xi Jin Ping New Era”.

  • Mao Ze Dong Era, which is centered by Mao Ze Dong thoughts, marking the foundation of the People’s Republic of China.
  • Deng Xiao Ping Era, which is cored by the reform thoughts of Deng Xiao Ping, marking the opening-up of the PRC to the world.
  • Xin JIn Ping Era, the core of which is Xi Jin Ping concept of socialist value with Chinese characteristics and the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation, marking China entering a new era.
Here, something must be specially pointed out that the opinions and suggestions related to “the Three Eras Theory” and “the New Era of Today’s China”, which is also called “the Xi Jin Ping New Era”. It can be predicted that Xin Jin Ping Era will certainly lead china to the world, to the prosperity in the next 30 years. China will become the theme of the world in 21 centuries. Therefore, as the honored work of the two Sessions in 2015, the New Era of Today’s China will be published by China Literature and History Press domestically and internationally during the two Sessions, which is considered as the blessing and good wish to the upcoming new era of today’s China as well as Xi Jin Ping Era. Now three years have passed, the good news is that China is making the great changes, and plays more and more important role in the international platform. China successfully found the socialist road with Chinese characteristics which is suitable for China’s national conditions and now in the rapid development while more and more advantages have been reflected. We have every reason to believe that the Chinese dream will finally come true in the next decades. Then, the socialism with Chinese characteristics will become the one of the most successful social systems in the human history. Mao Ze Dong is considered as the founding leader of the PRC, and Deng Xiao Ping as the designer of reform and open-up policy, so as the leader of the new era, Xi Jin Ping will lead the China to more prosperity and richness in the next 30 years. At that time, a strong china will stand proudly in the east of the world! Let’s give our sincere blessing and best wishes to the next 30 years of Xi Jin Ping New Era, and our great Chinese dream will finally come true!