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Pakistan’s prosperity to remain dearest to him, says Sun WeidongBreaking

October 09, 2017

ISLAMABAD, Oct 09 (INP): Outgoing Chinese Ambassador Sun Weidong while saying good-bye on completion of his more than four-year diplomatic tenure in Islamabad said here on Monday that Pakistan’s prosperity and well-being will remain dearest to him throughout his life. Sun Weidong said he is highly indebted to the government and the people of Pakistan for their all-out support to him and his other colleagues in the Chinese embassy, taking the Sino-Pak all-round strategic relationship to a new height, following the visit of President Xi Jinping in April 2015. At a farewell reception, held at the Chinese Embassy, he narrated some touching moments of his stay in Pakistan that reflective of dedication and commitment of the Pakistani people to these relationships. The reception was largely attended by high-dignitaries from civil, military and diplomatic circles as well as his friends who he said helped him a lot in strengthening their mutually beneficial cooperative partnership mainly through CPEC. Prominent those who attended the reception included speaker National Assembly Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman, Chief of staff GHQ Lt. Gen. Bilal Akbar, Chief of Jamat-i-Ismai Sirajul Haq, National Security adviser to PM Nasir Khan Janju, Economic Adviser senator Sartaj Aziz, Sardar Yar Muhammad Rind (PTI), senator Nuzhat Amir (PML-N), Senator Tala Mahmood (JUI) senator Sherry Rehman (PPP) Ghous Bakhsh Mehr (PML-Functional) and chairman NAB Chaudhy Qamar Zaman. A video was also screened on the occasion, showing some glimpses of Sun Weidong’s eventual tenure in Pakistan, besides cutting a cake to mark the farewell. The guests exchanged pleasantries on the occasion eulogizing the outstanding contribution of the ambassador in giving a new touch to their bilateral relations, particularly in the socio-economic sector. The ambassador in his heart-rending remarks said that he and his wife Diana Bao will always remember the best time of their life, spent in Pakistan. He said he considered himself lucky one, as he witnessed the birth and growth of CPEC, a flag-ship project. Recalling his contribution in development of Sino-Pak relationship, Sun Weidong said he was generously rewarded for it by the people of Pakistan through their love and deep-affection. It was his fortune that he performed his ambassadorial duties in making the visit of President Xi Jinping to Pakistan in April 2015 most successful that opened a new chapter in their decades’ old bilateral relationship. While citing the warm-hospitality, he received during his tenure, he said he would never forget dignified salute of Pakistan army and Pakistan’s police. He said he and his wife Diana cherished every-moment of their life in Pakistan. He said it will be his life-long mission to further deepen these time-test and all-weather relationship. The ambassador who is returning home after few days, further said China will fully stand by Pakistan in overcoming its socio-economic problems, particularly the energy shortage and industrial development. He said he was confident that the CPEC would greatly contribute to Pakistan’s economy and bring peace and prosperity to the whole region. Sun Weidong also mentioned the excellent economic growth, Pakistan achieved in recent years and said it is his good fortune that he tried to contribute to it, through CPEC’s early harvest projects, leading to overcoming the country’s energy shortage. It was also his fortune that he saw Pakistan’s major success in curbing terrorism and extremism in the country. He hoped that the government and the people of Pakistan would give the same support to his successor to continue the process of development. INP/Javed/AK Text Following is the text of H.E. Mr. Sun Weidong’s speech he delivered at the Farewell Reception held on Monday at the Chinese embassy Asalam Alaikum and good afternoon to you all. It is my great honor to invite His Excellency Mr. Sadiq and all of distinguished guests to attend this farewell reception. It is time to say goodbye to you. But more importantly, Diana and I would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to you and all the friends not present here for your love, support and trust to us and to my colleagues in the Chinese Embassy. Recently, I was often asked of the most touching moment during my stay in Pakistan. I would like to invite you to look at a picture shown in the PPT just now. It was taken two years ago when I was invited to attend the opening ceremony of the China Study Center at COMSATS. During the ceremony, all the members of the China Study Center took solemn oaths to devote their whole lives to the cause of China-Pakistan friendship. This was my first time to lead a group of foreign friends to take oaths. Whenever I recalled their resounding voices and staunch eyes, my heart was filled with warmth and friendship. It drives me with enormous strength because I know that there are so many friends like them who are committed to the grand mission of China-Pakistan friendship. In this regards, I must thank your all for your valuable contribution to the friendship between China and Pakistan! The PPT we watched just now is a sketch of work and life me and Diana had in Pakistan. Looking back over the past 1,500 plus days and nights, we have done lot of meaningful things, made plenty of friends, and are generously rewarded. From the holy Quaid-e-Azam mausoleum of Karachi to the beautiful valley of Swat, from the spectacular castle of Lahore to the blue sea of Gwadar, I have appreciated the beautiful natural scenery of Pakistan, witnessed the diligence and courage of the people on the land and the development of the country. I think I'm very lucky. I am very fortunate to be the Ambassador of China to Pakistan in my first tenure as the Ambassador. China and Pakistan are "Iron brothers". The relationship between our two countries is a model of state-to-state relations. It is my glorious mission to contribute to the friendship between China and Pakistan. I am very fortunate to work for the Chinese President Xi Jinping’s historic state visit to Pakistan in 2015. The leaders of the two countries agreed to uplift our bilateral relationship to an all-weather strategic partnership. It opened a new chapter of the great development of bilateral relations. The two countries have expanded our exchanges and cooperation in various fields such as politics, trade and business, culture, science and technology, education, security, defense and on international and regional affairs. I am very fortunate to witness the birth and growth of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridors. Under the joint guidance and support of our two leaders, CPEC has progressed smoothly in s short span of four years and entered the stage of Early-harvest. It is our pride to see CPEC has become the flagship project of the Belt and Road Initiative. The economic and social benefits of CPEC will continue to increase, which will benefit the people of two countries and the region. I am very fortunate to witness the remarkable development of Pakistan in the four years time. Its economic growth has accelerated. The problem of power shortage has been eased. At the same time, Pakistan has taken series of measures to effectively curb the spread of terrorism. The security situation in the country has been significantly improved. Confidence in the public are picking up towards the future. I am also very fortunate to make brotherly friendship with friends from all walks of life in Pakistan. We will not forget the holy greetings from the grave keepers of the Chinese martyrs' cemetery in Gilgit. We will not forget the New Year greeting cards made by Pakistani pupils. We will not forget the dignified salute of the Pakistani military and police. We will not forget the familiar greetings of "nihao" everywhere we went in Pakistan... These will be the most cherished memories of me and Diana. Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, Great fortune never comes by accident. It is the result of our joint endeavor. Only through our concerted efforts, can we overcome the difficulties and turn our ideals into reality. Just as an old Chinese saying goes, “When the two brothers are of one mind, they can cut through any metal.” In the context of profound changes in the world, China and Pakistan must seize the historical opportunity presented to us. We should fully materialize the outcomes of President Xi Jinping’s visit to Pakistan. We should further construct the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and promote pragmatic cooperation in various fields. Furthermore, we must enhance all-round exchanges, so that China-Pakistan friendship can be more deeply rooted. I am convinced that with the support of all the friends, we will surely upgrade China-Pakistan friendship to a new level. The goal of building China-Pakistan Community of Shared Destiny will come true. This month, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be held in Beijing. Under the strong leadership of President Xi Jinping, the Chinese people will make tireless efforts to realize the “Two Centenary Goals” and the Chinese Dream of great rejuvenation of the nation. China’s development presents great opportunities and driving forces to the development of the world. We welcome Pakistan and other countries to take ride of China's development. Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, Diana and I will return to China very soon. We will always remember our days in Pakistan, and miss every friend we made here. In the future, no matter where we are, we will extend our best wishes for Pakistan’s development and prosperity, we will support for stronger China-Pakistan friendship, and we will extend our best wishes for your health and happiness. Once again, thank you all. I am looking forward to seeing you again in the future. Last but not the least, I hope you can extend the same support to my successor as you have given to me. China-Pakistan dosti zindabad!