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CPC political dialogue means mutual learningBreaking

December 09, 2017

The presence of large number of global political leaders attending CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-level Meeting in early December has generated a strong message that China is playing an active role in international affairs based on meaningful and constructive consultations. The gathering comes at a very vital time when China is getting closer to the center stage of the world and contributing 30 percent to the global growth from last many years being the 2nd largest economy of the world. CPC has attracted the communist and non-communist parties of the world to attend the first ever historical dialogue following its role in international affairs, joint efforts to address global challenges and solving hard core problems confronting the human race through the development process. The key note speech delivered by CPC General Secretary Xi Jinping gained highest level of attentional from the leaders that attended the dialogue. The speech carried a very strong and influential message that “China is not seeking hegemony or global expansion”. It is the time when China is stepping ahead with visionary Belt and Road initiative (BRI) for building trade corridors which will be integrating handsome number of economies across the globe. On one side, the progress carrying forward under the BRI introducing significant changes in terms of policy communication, infrastructure connectivity, unimpeded trade, monetary circulation and understanding between people. On the other side, the traditional global system which takes nation states as main units and international relations as the major concerns often views China’s rise as a threat and hegemonic tool. The adoption of BRI in UN resolution has already shun the vicious propaganda against the so-called China Threat theories and now the attendance of huge political leaders shows trust that China believes on inclusiveness, openness and win-win situation with its peaceful rise. President Xi spoke very clearly in the work report delivered to 19th National Congress of CPC that “China will never pursue development at the expanse of other’s interests. China’s development does not pose a threat to any other country. No matter what stage of development it reaches, China will never seek hegemony or engage in expansion.” The attendance of global leaders means that they stand with China and reject the notion of “China Threat” pushed by some as per their vested interests. The other major thing highlighted from the speech was about “building a community with a shared future of mankind,” which has been practically transformed into reality by implementing BRI successfully. The concept has won the hearts of many countries even from different continents belonging to different cultures, civilizations and histories who are cultivating the benefits of this thought. The visionary thought is turning China’s opportunities into the world’s opportunities and vice versa. The activity is a signal for all that circle of friends for China is on rise day by day following its rapid development and peaceful engagement with different political thoughts of the world. This activity does not only carry a message that CPC is aiming to export the successful model of its development to others but it is a process of mutual learning when the world offers various opportunities and confronting through various challenges. Confident CPC has dozens of achievements in its fold to share with this political elite including the successful anti-graft campaign and tough fight against poverty alleviation. These are the two major problems being faced by many countries and China with the clear commitment is achieving the targets smoothly. More than 700 million people have been taken out of poverty in the campaign and now it is moving towards its deadline which is December 2020 when poverty will become a chapter of history. In the same way, CPC has been taking stern actions and measures by implementing self-regulations against the corrupt elements of the society known as the tigers, which has also boosted the confidence of the people. The gathering has given a positive message to the visitors that any development that fails to enrich the people is not remarkable and no revival is complete without the well-being of the people. Not only the political minds of the globe but the large population of the world are also looking towards China for studying and observing the successful methods to achieve the targets successfully. These leaders are following China’s long term development and believed that China was stepping ahead in a right direction for the well-being of international community who have already been exploited by the western imperialists’ powers. This dialogue is a continuation of the commitment shown in work report presented to 19th National Congress of CPC which includes that “China will strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the political parties and organizations of other countries and encourage people’s congress, CPPCC committees, the military, local governments and people’s organizations to engage in exchanges with other countries.” It was a great opportunity for all to experience the role of CPC in building China’s defense, society, strict governance, green development, ecological civilization, beautiful China and healthy China for the betterment of the society successfully. The author is a correspondent of Independent News Pakistan based in Beijing and also a media fellow of China South Asia and South East Asia press center program 2017.