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Chinese girl donates pocket-money to support PakistanBreaking

April 03, 2020

BEIJING, April 3 (INP): “Hi, Pakistani kids! Thank you for donating masks to us. Now it’s time for us to return your help,” wrote Yao Yang, a Chinese girl, in a letter to Pakistani children, accompanied with her donations of 80 surgical masks.

According to Gwadar Pro App, Yao, 8 years old, is a student of grade two in a primary school in China’s Xiamen city. She knows from the media reports, that the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has hit many countries around the world recently.

She came up with an idea to donate masks to the heavily-hit countries. However, she had to choose one country to make the donation, as her pocket money was only 100 yuan($14) at the time.

After discussing with her father, Yao decided to aid Pakistan, as she knew that right after the epidemic broke out in China, Pakistan mobilized the whole nation to provide assistance to China.

Yao’s parents gave her another 200 yuan to buy masks for Pakistani friends. With all the money, Yao bought a total of 80 surgical masks. Besides, Yao donated a rag doll.

In her letter to Pakistani children, Yao drew a picture. On this picture, three children wearing masks hold hands, one of whom is Yao and the other two are Pakistani kids.

Yao said, “I just want to share my knowledge and experience on COVID-19. I hope children in Pakistan can protect themselves well from the virus.”

She advised Pakistani kids to wear surgical masks and that’s why she donated masks. Yao’s masks, letter, doll and two suits of protective gowns, goggles and gloves donated by her parents were delivered by courier to the Pakistani Embassy in China on March 16, 2020.

Pakistani ambassador to China Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi sends a thank-you note to Yao Yang on March 19, 2020.

To Yao’s surprise, the Pakistani ambassador to China Naghmana Hashmi sent a thank-you note . The ambassador thanked Yao for her donations to Pakistani children, and Yao’s efforts and contributions to Pak-China friendship.

Yao said, “I could hardly believe that the Pakistani ambassador did write a letter to me. It was out of the blue. I was very excited.”

Yao’s mother told Gwadar Pro, “Yao is very interested in Pakistan now. She looks for Pakistan in the world map and asks us to tell her knowledge and stories about Pakistan.”

“I want to visit Pakistan some day,” said Yao, adding that “I wants to make friends with Pakistani kids. I also want to enjoy Pakistani food.”

In her letter, Yao also invited Pakistani kids to Xiamen, a famous tourism destination.