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China's top legislative body meets on MondayBreaking

March 04, 2018

BEIJING, March 4 (INP): China's top legislative body, the National People Congress begins its two-week long session here on Monday. According to Zhang, the first session of the 13th NPC will have 10 items on its agenda including reviewing a government work report, deliberating the work report of the NPC Standing Committee, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, along with changes to China's Constitution being high on the list. "The Constitution, which reflects the common will of the Communist Party of China and Chinese people, is China's fundamental law and the general chapter for governing the country well and ensuring national security," Zhang said. "The Constitution can only ensure its lasting vitality by constantly adapting to new situations, drawing on new experiences, confirming new achievements and setting down new norms." Zhang noted the amendment will be made in accordance with the Party's leadership and reflect the will of the people. The amendment should only include changes to part of the Constitution, not drastic revisions, Zhang said. China sticks to peaceful development path despite defense budget increase When asked about China's defense budget in recent years, Zhang confirmed that China has modestly increased the budget number in step with its national economy, but its commitment to peaceful development path remains unchanged. "The increased input in defense budget was used to upgrade equipment, improve welfare of servicemen and servicewomen, as well as the living and training conditions of grassroots troops," Zhang said. But China's defense budget takes up a smaller share of its gross domestic product (GDP) and national fiscal expenditure compared with world's major countries, Zhang pointed out. "With a defense policy that is defensive in nature, the development of China will pose no threat to any other country," Zhang said. Zhang said at the press conference that China does not want a trade war with the US, after the US recently listed China as a strategic competitor. He said China and the US share more mutual benefits than differences and trade relations between the two are mutually beneficial by nature, but China is not going to sit idle and will take necessary measures if the US harms China's interests. "The right approach to solve the trade dispute is through dialogue, to further open the market to each other and make the pie of cooperation bigger, to work through dialogue and consultation," Zhang said. Zhang also said China is ready to work on several issues with the US based on the consensus made by Chinese President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart Donald Trump during his visit to China in 2017. The US has recently prompted global outrage with a plan to place tariffs on steel and aluminium. China hopes that talks between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the US would be held "as early as possible" and that the good momentum on the Korean Peninsula would be maintained, Zhang said. "The situation on the Korean Peninsula is easing. China welcomes the positive changes following the PyeongChang Winter Olympics and hopes all parties could seize the opportunity to maintain the good momentum," he said.