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China welcomes ceasefire in AfghanistanBreaking

May 26, 2020

BEIJING,   (INP): China welcomed and commended the ceasefire during the Eid al-Fitr between the Afghan government and the Taliban, hoping such situation will be sustained so as to create conditions for an early launch of the infra-Afghan talks.

Commenting on the ceasefire, a spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry Zhao Lijian said here at a press conference, that China always hopes that all parties to the Afghan issue will take peace as a priority, resolve differences through dialogue and negotiation and jointly discuss the future arrangements of the nation.

China stands ready to work with the rest of the international community to continuously provide support and assistance for the Afghan peace and reconciliation process, he added.

Replying to a question about the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), the spokesperson said, it is an important pillar of the international nuclear arms control system. Though it has not yet entered into force, banning nuclear testing has become an international norm.

The CTBT is of great significance for nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and world peace and security.

All five nuclear weapon states including the US have signed the treaty and committed to a moratorium on nuclear tests.

The US has conducted the highest number of nuclear tests. We urge it to assume its due obligation and honor its commitment by upholding the purpose and objective of the treaty and contributing to the international disarmament and non-proliferation regime, instead of further disrupting global strategic stability, he added.

About the Xinjiang affairs, the spokesperson said, these are purely China's internal affairs which allow no foreign interference. The measures on countering terrorism and deradicalization have been taken to prevent in a fundamental way these two evil forces from taking roots in Xinjiang.

They accord with Chinese laws and international practices. They have been proved effective, widely supported by 25 million people of various ethnic groups in Xinjiang, and contributing to the global counter-terrorism cause.

The US accusation against China, nothing but absolute nonsense to confound the public, only serves to reveal its vile attempt to disrupt Xinjiang's counter-terrorism efforts and China's stability and development.

We urge the US to correct its mistake, rescind the relevant decision, and stop interfering in China's internal affairs. China will continue to take all necessary measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Chinese enterprises and safeguard China's sovereignty, security and development interests, he added.