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China urges US to stop criticizing China's internal, external affairsBreaking

December 19, 2017

BEIJING, Dec 19 (INP): China urged USA to stop intentionally distorting its strategic intentions and abandoning the outdated notion of the Cold War mentality and "zero-sum" game, or else it will only harm its own side. China hoped that the United States will follow the trend of the times and the will of the people, treat objectively and rationally the current world and Sino-US relations, abide by the relevant commitments, act in the same direction with China and safeguard the healthy and stable development of Sino-US Relations. This is in line with the needs of both peoples and the world Correct Choice of Interests of People in All Countries. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Hua Chunying in her press briefing answering a question that U.S. government released the "National Security Strategy Report" on December 18, which has criticized China's internal affairs and foreign policy many times and called China a contender for US interests said “History and reality have proved that this is a successful route that is in keeping with China's national conditions and the prosperity of the country and its happiness. China's achievements in development are universally acknowledged. Anyone who wants to distort facts can only be in vain with any helpless effort. No one or any country can stop the Chinese people from going unswervingly along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics and achieving even greater accomplishments”. She said “China has always taken the road of peaceful development and unswervingly pursues the strategy of opening up to the world with mutual benefits and win-win results. We will actively develop global partnership, expand the point of intersection with the interests of all countries, push for coordination and cooperation among great powers. We will deepen the relations with neighboring countries in accordance with the principle of goodwill and friendship and the goodwill with neighbors and partners, and uphold the correct righteousness and interests Concept and true concept of sincerity to strengthen solidarity and cooperation with large developing countries in Asia, Latin America and Latin America. We uphold a common view of global governance of co-construction and sharing, advocate the democratization of international relations, adhere to the principle of equality of all countries regardless of their size, strength, wealth and richness, support the United Nations in playing an active role in supporting the expansion of the representativeness of developing countries in international affairs And the right to speak. China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of the international order. China's economic and diplomatic activities around the world are universally welcomed by all countries. This is evident to the international community. No country or any one of the reports wants to distort the facts and vilify maliciously in vain”. Spokeswomen further said “China will never develop itself at the expense of the interests of other countries, nor will it give up its own legitimate rights and interests. As China resolutely defends its sovereignty, security and development interests, no one should fancy letting China swallow the bitter fruits that undermine its own interests. -China's development depends mainly on the efforts of all the Chinese people themselves as well as our mutually beneficial cooperation with all other countries in the world. In recent years, China has contributed over 30% of world economic growth each year. This is a strong proof. We will continue to carry out all kinds of pragmatic cooperation with all other countries in the world on the basis of mutual benefit and reciprocity to benefit the Chinese people and people of all countries in the world. “We have always held that as the two largest developing countries and the largest developed countries in the world, the two largest economies in the world and China and the United States shoulder important responsibilities in safeguarding world peace and stability and promoting global development and prosperity, and have extensive common interests. Cooperation is the only correct choice between China and the United States so that a win-win situation can lead to a better future. As two major powers, it is not surprising that there are some differences between China and the United States. In this regard, it should be done in a constructive manner on the basis of respecting each other's core interests and major concerns.” INP/OBD/AK