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China to act as a builder of World peace: SpokespersonBreaking

December 20, 2017

BEIJING, Dec. 20 (INP): China will act as a builder of world peace as well as contributing to global development, following the path of new international order. This was stated by the spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry Hua Chunying here at a news conference, while commenting on a report released by the USA, criticizing China’s domestic and diplomatic polices. China is an upholder of international order and the country’s economic and diplomatic activities around the globe are broadly welcomed by countries all over the world. It is futile for any country or any report to distort the facts or hurl malicious slander, she added. In her detailed statement, Hua Chunying said, “China will by no means pursue its own development at the expense of other countries' interests and neither will it give up its own legitimate rights and interests. China firmly safeguards its own sovereignty, security and development interests and no one should have the illusion that China would swallow the bitter fruit of jeopardizing its own interests. China's development mainly rests upon the hard work of its own people and also benefits from its mutually beneficial cooperation with countries all over the world. In recent years, China contributed over 30% of the global economic growth rate every year, which speaks volumes for this. We will continue with our efforts to conduct pragmatic cooperation in various areas with countries around the world on the basis of mutual benefit so as to deliver benefits to the Chinese people and people around the globe. We always believe that as the largest developing country and developed country and the top two largest economies in the world, China and the United States shoulder important responsibilities and have extensive common interests in upholding world peace and stability and promoting global development and prosperity. Cooperation is the only right choice for China and the United States and win-win cooperation can lead to a better future. As two major countries, it is not surprising for China and the United States to have some disagreements. It is advisable for our two countries to properly handle them in a constructive way on the basis of respecting each other's core interests and major concerns. We urge the US side to stop deliberately distorting China's strategic intentions, and abandon such outdated concepts as the Cold War mentality and the zero-sum game, otherwise it will only end up harming itself as well as others.   We hope that the United States can correspond with the trend of the times and the will of the people, put the world and China-US relations in perspective, honor the relevant commitments and join hands with China to uphold the sound and steady growth of China-US relations. This is the right choice that serves the interests of the two peoples and people around the world. The Chinese people are full of confidence in the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics of their own choice. History and the reality have proven that this is a successful path that suits China's national conditions and can achieve national prosperity and enable the Chinese people to live a happy life. The development achievements scored by China are universally acknowledged and it is of no avail to attempt to distort the facts on the part of anyone or any country. No one and no country can stop the Chinese people from unwaveringly continuing following the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and reaping greater achievements. China is unswervingly committed to the path of peaceful development and steadfastly pursues a win-win strategy of opening-up. We actively forge global partnerships, expand converging interests with other countries, promoting coordination and cooperation between major countries. China will deepen relations with its neighboring countries in accordance with the neighborhood diplomacy of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness and forging friendship and partnership with them, and enhance solidarity and cooperation with the developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. In country-to-country relationship, they will always uphold justice, pursuing shared interests and staying committed to the vision of sincerity, practical results, affinity and good faith. We pursue the global governance vision featuring extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, advocate democracy in international relations, maintain that all countries are equal irrespective of size, strength and wealth and support the positive role of the UN and increasing the representation and voice of the developing countries in international affairs.” INP/J/AH