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China-Pakistan on same page in war against terrorism: Wang YiBreaking

September 08, 2017

Both agree solution to Afghan conflict has to be political: Kh Asif BEIJING, Sept. 8 (INP): China on Friday reaffirmed its continuing and firm support for Pakistan in war against terrorism, saying both the countries are steady anchors for peace in the region. Addressing a joint press conference with Pakistan foreign minister Khawaja Asif in Beijing, Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi emphasised that China fully backs Pakistan in its fight against terrorism and supports its neighbour in safeguarding its sovereignty. " The two countries are on the same page promoting peace and security in the region", he added. The relationship between China and Pakistan remain rock firm and unbreakable, Yi said, adding that China will continue to play its role in Pakistan's progress and development. The Chinese foreign minister asserted that China respects Pakistan's interests, and said there is a need to acknowledge Pakistan's efforts in countering terrorism. "Pakistan is an important participant in fight against global terrorism," he said, pointing out that Pakistan has given many sacrifices in the war on terror and international community should recognise that. “Pakistan has done its best with clear conscience and some countries need to ive it a credit it serves” the Chinese foreign minister said without naming the United States. Wang Yi said terrorism is a global issues and requires concerted efforts from all countries to tackle instead of blaming each other. “Pakistan is an important country in the international cooperation against terrorism and no body knows Pakistan and understand it better than China” he asserted. To a question, the Chinese Foreign Minister said Pakistan and Afghanistan should work together to increase the wellbeing of people and their countries and contribute to peace in the region. He said the Chinese side recognise Pakistan’s desire to improve relations with Afghanistan. “As important neighbours and friends, China values its relationship with both countries and work with them to help them build trust. Wang Yi also disclosed that that before the end of this year, there will be meeting of foreign ministers of three countries in China to discuss strategic communication, security dialogue and practical cooperation . He said it will be a new platform for regional cooperation . He was confident that with concerted efforts of Pakistan and Afghanistan and active support from China, cooperation will gradually increase. Khawaja Asif, addressing the press conference, thanked China for its "unflinching support for Pakistan" in the war against terrorism and its commitment to Pakistan's progress and development. He said China and Pakistan agree that the solution of Afghan problem is fundamentally a political solution not a military solution. He said the three countries are neighbours and they have stakes in Afghanistan peace and already involved in a substantive way for peace in this region. He said China’s role in bring together Kabul and Islamabad, will go a long way. Kh Asif said Pakistan will definitely pursue a policy of engagement with Kabul and pointed out that he spoke to Afghan counterpart yesterday and they will be meeting on the side lines of UN General Assembly session in New York. The foreign Minister said Pakistan’s comprehensive and all out law enforcement actions including Zarb e Azab and Raadul Fasaad operations against all terrorist groups including PTIM, which is not only threat to China but Pakistan as well have yielded positive results. “We are thankful to China’s unflinching support to Pakistan in the right against terrorism “ he said. He said they had discussions on a range of bilateral isues including trade, economic cooperation, CPEC, Defence and Security ties, cultural, education and people to people contacts. He said they expressed satisfaction to the implementation of CPEC which is another dimension of cooperation in their already strong multifaceted relationship. He said CPEC is a flag ship project of Chinese President Xi and it is aimed at mutual prosperity. He said CPEC is unique opportunity for the two countries to integrate with regional trading groups with the construction of rail and road links. He said the relations between China and Pakistan are exemplary and are based on history, mutual trust, equality, harmony, non-interference and common agenda of socioeconomic development. Asif said Pakistan deeply values China's support for Pakistan's territorial integrity and asserted Pakistan's support for One China policy and China's interests in Taiwan and South China sea. Pakistan and China consult each other on all global issues, Asif remarked. On US President Donald Trump's revised policy towards Afghanistan war, Asif said there was no military solution to the Afghan conflict. Asif reached Beijing Thursday evening on a state visit to China to hold discussions on bilateral relations and matters of mutual interest in terms of regional and international strategies. Top officials of the Chinese Foreign Ministry welcomed Asif as he arrived at the airport accompanied by Lieutenant General (retd) Nasser Janjua — Pakistan's national security adviser. During his visit Asif will also be holding important talks with other leaders of the country, according to a press briefing by Geng Shuang — the spokesperson for Chinese Foreign Ministry. Pakistan and China — the all-weather strategic partners — have seen their relationship grow with sound momentum, based on frequent high-level exchanges and fruitful outcome of practical cooperation. With regard to Asif's visit, Shuang said it is another important event that will further help implement the cooperation consensus reached between the two leaders. He said the deep and practical cooperation —especially in terms of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) — would enhance coordination and communication on international and regional fronts. Asif is visiting China at the invitation of the Chinese foreign minister. INP/J/AH