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China, Pakistan Media Forum to counter criticism on CPECBreaking

November 28, 2019

BEIJING, November 28 (INP): China, Pakistan Media Forum, proved itself a best platform to counter uncalled for criticism on CPEC that have no any political motive but to strengthen cooperative partnership for improving the living conditions of the people, says a report published here on Thursday by China Economic Net.

Some people in the West, particularly in the United States who are unhappy with the ever-growing Sino-Pak strategic relationship take this purely development project in a different way, showing their biasness and negative mindset.

The 5th media forum held in Islamabad last week took a strong exception to the statement of Alice Wells, US Assistant Secretary of State, that negates some basic facts about the CPEC, that by no way there is China’s debt-trap or any sort of corruption in its implementation.

The media forum that was attended by the journalists from some leading media’s institutions of the two countries decided to turn it into a regular platform to chase away rumors and misperceptions about the CPEC, that is a pilot and major project of the Belt and Road’s initiative (BRI).

According to the report, the forum will keep on responding to the negative propaganda and uncalled for concerns of the Western media, towards CPEC, with logics and statistics.

The forum that jointly organized by the China Economic Net, Pakistan- China Institute and the Chinese Embassy in Islamabad succeeded in establishing facts that “CPEC is Clean” and it founds the bases of shared destiny not only for Pakistan and China but for all countries regionally and globally.

In his address on the occasion, Mr. Cui Jun, Editor-in-Chief of China Economic Net said that In 2014, President Xi Jinping paid a visit to Pakistan, during which the leaders of both countries reached a consensus on enhancing the exchanges between the media of the two countries, that was later led to establishment of the Forum.

After five years of development, it has now grown into an indispensable exchange platform for the Chinese and Pakistani media with the biggest influence and most remarkable achievements.

in his key-note address, Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Yao Jing commended the efforts of CPEC Media Forum saying both Pakistan and China were beneficiaries of CPEC.

Commenting on the allegations of Alice Wells, he said that China always came forward to assist Pakistan in need without any political or government differences.

“China never demands Pakistan to repay its loans in time if Pakistan will be in difficult situation,” he said while pointing out that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is strict in its repayment system.

Regarding accusation that “CPEC is not about aid,” by Alice Wells, Ambassador Yao Jing questioned why US suspended its aid pledged for Pakistan only because of political considerations.

“CPEC provided more than 75,000 direct jobs for local Pakistanis, while around 2.3 million jobs are expected to be generated by 2030. I will be more happy to see more investment coming from the United States in Pakistan,” Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Yao Jing said.

Ambassador Yao Jing was “astonished” at Alice Wells’ statement of higher tariff in power plants, established under CPEC, saying he himself had earlier briefed the US diplomat about the tariff structure of these plants and told that the tariff structure was the lowest among all the countries to whom Chinese companies provide electricity.

“When in 2013, the Chinese companies were establishing power plants in Pakistan, where was the United States? Why it did not invest in Pakistan’s power sector despite knowing that Pakistan was in dire need of electricity,” he questioned.