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China hails Pakistan's support on its position relating to Xinjiang and HKBreaking

October 10, 2020

BEIJING, October 10 (INP): China highly appreciates the outright support extended by Pakistan and other countries on the issues relating to Xinjiang and Hong Kong.

This was stated by Hua Chunying, a spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry at a weekly news briefing.

In a statement, she said " during the General Debate of the Third Committee of the 75th UN General Assembly held from October 5 to 8, more than 70 countries have voiced their support on China's relevant positions.

By far, 57 countries have co-signed a joint statement on Hong Kong-related issues and 48 countries have made a similar joint statement on Xinjiang.

Pakistan and Cuba have spoken on behalf of these countries in support of China's formulation and implementation of the law on safeguarding national security in the HKSAR, believing that it will ensure the steady and successful implementation of "one country, two systems", maintain the HKSAR's prosperity and stability, and ensure a safe environment for Hong Kong residents' exercise of legitimate rights and freedom.

These countries commended China's measures taken in accordance with law in Xinjiang to combat terrorism and radicalization and protect the human rights for all ethnic groups.

They expressed their firm opposition to politicization of human rights issues, application of double standards, groundless accusations against China, and unjustified interference in China's internal affairs.

We want to express our appreciation to Pakistan and all these countries for speaking out for justice. Their support once again proved that justice will always prevail and a small number of western countries who attempted to smear China under the pretext of Hong Kong and Xinjiang issues failed again.

The debate and argument between vast developing countries including China and a small number of western countries including the US is about principle and about matters of right and wrong.

This is upholding justice versus spreading viciousness, safeguarding national sovereignty versus interfering in others' internal affairs, maintaining solidarity versus creating rivalry.

It shall not be mistaken that China firmly opposes any individual, any country and any force in creating instability, division and chaos in China and in interfering in China's internal affairs under the pretext of human rights.

Speaking of Xinjiang, we just got back from the National Day and the Mid-Autumn Festival holidays, and many tourists nationwide chose to spend their holidays among ethnic groups in Xinjiang. Data show that Xinjiang is one of the top destinations for domestic tourists during the holidays.

It received more than 15.35 million tourists, marking a 10% year-on-year increase. On travel-related expenses, the year-on-year growth rate of the amount of money spent in Xinjiang ranked top three nationwide.

Videos have been circulating online that the National Day was celebrated by all ethnic groups in Xinjiang with great festivities. They have organized flash mobs to express their satisfaction with their harmonious, happy and fulfilled life.

Their smiling faces are the best indicators of the human rights situation in Xinjiang."
