The police have arrested a woman who allegedly killed her 10-year-old stepson in a Lodhran, Police confirmed on Wednesday. According to Deputy Superintendent o Police (DSP) Lodhran, the accused women poisoned his stepson by giving him poisonous chips and when the innocent failed to go completely unconscious, She gave him electric shocks to death. DSP said that when the child did not die with to electric shock, the accused strangled him.
After the death of the child, his stepmother tried to cover up the incident and took his dead body to hospital for treatment, but the autopsy of the dead body exposed the cause of death. DSP said when the police detained the accused and interrogated her, she confessed everything. “The accused wanted her son to inherit the entire property of the father. A case has been registered against three persons including the father and step-mother of the deceased child.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP