Despite of boom season of wheat crops, the price for a 40kg bag of wheat has jumped to Rs. 5,100 in Lahore against the government’s fixed rate of Rs. 3,900, according to media reports on Tuesday. The flour mills association representative said the government’s rate is not being implemented in the market as per 40kg wheat being is being sold at Rs. 5,100 in Lahore against the government’s fixed rate of Rs. 3,900.
He added that due to the increase in the wheat price, the rate of 20kg flour bag has jumped to Rs. 2,750 against the govt’s rate of Rs. 2,316. The Flour millers said they cannot sell the wheat at the lower rates after getting the wheat at an exorbitant rate from the open market. Last month, the officials of the Punjab Food Department foiled an attempt to smuggle wheat and flour to Afghanistan. Over 70 containers loaded with wheat and flour were being smuggled to Afghanistan from Islamabad Motorway. District food authority officials said 46 containers loaded with wheat and 16 containers of flour were seized during checking. The wheat and flour were being smuggled from Punjab to Afghanistan. The containers were sealed while 16 people were booked. It may be noted that there is a ban on the transportation of wheat from the province.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan: INP