The police arrested two suspects after separate encounters in Faisalabad here late last night. Police said on Tuesday that Saddar Tandlianwala police signaled two suspects riding on two motorcycles near Chak no.612-GB bridge but the outlaws accelerated their bikes.The police chased them and directed to surrender but they opened indiscriminate firing. The team retaliated and during the gunfight, one of the outlaws received injuries and fell down on the ground whereas his accomplice managed to escape from the scene under the cover of darkness. The police arrested the injured criminal-Imtiaz and recovered two motorcycles, one pistol and other items. Meanwhile, City Jaranwala police arrested one robber who was identified as Hasnain while his two accomplices managed to escape after an encounter near 240 Mor Jaranwala. The accused were wanted by police in robbery, dacoity and other cases. Concerned police launched investigation.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP