A 15-year-old TikTtoker named Nayab was shot dead by unidentified men in Faisalabad. The incident took place in Millat Town of Faisalabad. The victim was said to be riding on a motorcycle along with his brother when unidentified men intercepted them in an apparent bid to snatch their phone. Upon resistance, the armed men allegedly opened fire. As a result, Nayab was shot while his brother remained unhurt. Nayab succumbed to the gunshot wound and passed away. His body was later shifted to a local hospital. Superintendent of Police Zunair said that there were few twists and turns in the case. He said that when police started investigating the case to ascertain the facts, the victim’s family told police that the victim had gone with his brother to give some money to his friend, but they were allegedly intercepted by street criminals who, when trying to snatch his phone, shot him.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP