The skyrocketed prices of fruits in Peshawar have gone beyond the purchasing power of the middle class as ironically the administration seemed helpless to ensure the sale of the fruits, a necessity for good health, on prescribed rates. According to a market survey, the oranges, a favorite fruit in winter season, were being sold at Rs 250 to Rs 400 per dozen while in some markets the fruit vendors were charging the customers as per their own will.
The banana, a common fruit of all seasons was being sold at Rs 150 to Rs 200 while the price of per kilogram Apple was Rs 200 to Rs 300 in the market. Abundantly available in the market, the price of per kilogram guava started from Rs 150 to Rs 200. The exorbitant prices of fruits have not only worried the middle class segment of the society but the shopkeepers also seemed troubled with the shortage of fruit buyers in the market.
Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP