Sindh’s renowned historian, Gul Hassan Kalmati passed away on Wednesday while battling cancer. As per details, Gul Hassan Kalmati, a well-known researcher, writer, and historian from Sindh breathed his last at Karachi’s hospital. The renowned historian was suffering from liver cancer and in December 2022 his health further deteriorated. Kalmati was the writer of several books in Sindhi, Urdu, and English. Gul Hassan Kalmati is known for his research work on the provincial capital Karachi. In his career, Kalmati wrote several historical books? however, his most famous book is “Karachi Sindh ji Marai”, in which he modernized the history of the provincial capital?
Gul Hassan Kalmati, one of the 9 siblings, was born on July 5, 1957 in Haji Arzi Baloch Village, Gadap, District Malir, Karachi. Kalami was acquired B.A degree from S.M. Arts College Karachi in 1978. In 1983, he earned Masters’s Degree in Journalism from the University of Karachi. Furthermore, Kalmai also held a Master’s Degree in Sindhi Literature from the University of Karachi.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP