The Sindh cabinet on Wednesday approved the formation of a commission for the protection of journalists and other media practitioners. In a tweet shared on his official Twitter handle, Sindh government spokesperson Murtaza Wahab announced that Justice Rasheed Rizvi will be the first chairperson of the commission. The meeting was presided over by Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah. Last year in May, Sindh Assembly had unanimously passed the Sindh Protection of Journalists’ and other Media Practitioners’ Bill-2021 to provide an institutional mechanism to help journalists to discharge their professional duties without any threat or compulsion.
The bill contains the provision to establish a commission to ensure protection of journalists. The bill envisages due action against elements that obstruct journalists from discharging their professional duties. It is pertinent to note that Pakistan ranks 145 out of 180 countries on the media rights watchdog Reporters Without Borders’ (RSF) 2021 World Press Freedom Index. Reports of journalists being intimidated, threatened, beaten, abducted, harassed or even killed are not uncommon in the country, which stands as the fifth most dangerous place for the profession, according to the International Federation of Journalists.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP