Unidentified robbers looted a worshiper who was going home after performing prayer in the mosque in Karachi. The CCTV footage of the incident has emerged. In the video, robbers can be seen looting the worshiper. According to the details, a citizen in Model Colony ran after seeing the street criminals, while returning home from the mosque. The incident took place at Hashim Raza Road in Model Colony early on Monday morning. The CCTV footage of the incident obtained, in which four robbers on two motorcycles can be seen roaming around the street.
According to the footage, two robbers walked towards a citizen to deprive him of a mobile phone, but the man, wearing a paint shirt ran into the street when he saw the weapon. Meanwhile, on the way to the road, a worshiper also tried to leave after seeing the robbers, but unfortunately, the street criminals stopped him by placing their motorcyle in front of him. The robbers took the worshiper by the arm and took him to the street corner, and then forced his hands up and searched his entire clothes and took away everything.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP