Two bandits were killed in an alleged police encounter near Renala Khurd Bypass on Tuesday in Okara district. According to police, the five bandits committed a robbery at a house. The resident of the home informed police through emergency call. Police after having information rushed to arrest the criminals involved in robbery.\ When the police were chasing the suspects, seeing the police they opened fire on police party. Police and dacoits had a fierce crossfire with each other on Peer Di Hatti Road near Renala Khurd bypass. In which two robbers were killed and Police claimed two suspects received bullets from their own accomplices and later expired. Three others suspects run away. A search operation is underway to arrest the runaway suspects. Police shifted the bodies for autopsies and registered a case. Police have recovered weapons and snatched a motorcycle from the possession of the dead dacoits. The identification of the dacoits is due to be completed.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan: INP