Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Senator terrified of arrest after key party leaders were detained in the backdrop of May 09, vandalism are avoiding to visit Parliament and to attend the meetings of Senate Standing Committees. Meetings of the Senate Bodies with chairmen hailing from PTI are being cancelled while due to non attendance of party Senators in others was creating hurdles in agendas of the meetings. Meeting of the Senate Body on Climate Change to be held on May 18, was cancelled by its chairperson Senator Seemi Ezdi, belonging to PTI.
PTI’s Senator Hamayun Mohmand cancelled the meeting of Senate Standing Committee on National Health which was to be held on May 17. Senator Walid Iqbal of PTI had cancelled the meeting of Senate Body on Human Right to scheduled on May 15. Meeting of said committee to be held on May 10 was also cancelled. Earlier, on May 09, Senator Zeeshan Khanzada cancelled the meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Commerce. No PTI Senator attending the meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Education and Privatization held on May 18 and meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Finance held on May 17.(M Awais)
Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP