Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Shehryar Afridi was arrested by capital police in the wee hours of Tuesday. Police said that the former federal minister was taken into custody from Islamabad’s Sector F-8 under Section 3 of Maintenance of Public order (3MPO). Shehryar Afridi’s apprehension comes amid the ongoing crackdown on the party’s leadership, activists and supporters in connection to the May 9 violent protests. In Punjab, Fayyaz-ul-Hasan Chohan was also arrested by the police from Murree Road, Liaquat Bagh.
PTI leader was arrested when he was going to the press club from Liaqat Bagh main gate. Meanwhile, in Sindh, the provincial government declared the house of former PTI minister Ali Zaidi’s house as a sub-jail. A notification in this regard was issued on Monday night. Ziadi was also arrested on May 9 by law enforcement agencies following mayhem in the Baloch Colony area.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP