President urges Int’l community to take notice of blatant HR violations in IIOJKBreaking

July 13, 2023

President Dr. Arif Alvi has urged the international community to take notice of blatant human rights violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). In a statement on the occasion 92nd Youm-e-Shuhada, which is observed in remembrance of twenty-two Kashmiris martyred on this day back in 1931 by Dogra forces, he stressed for peaceful resolution of Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions and aspirations of Kashmiri people. Paying glowing tributes to the Martyrs of 13th July 1931, the President said the Pakistani nation joins Kashmiri brothers in remembering the sacrifices of these martyrs.

 He said the Kashmiri people are still waging a struggle against the illegal Indian occupation. He regretted that nine hundred thousand Indian forces are holding the Kashmiri people hostage to perpetrate their illegal occupation in the valley. The President urged the Indian authorities to stop the persecution campaign in illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir and release all the political detainees. He said the military siege should be lifted and efforts to change the demography of the occupied territory must come to an end.  He said the Kashmiris must be given their right to self-determination.

 Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP