The Punjab police claimed to have gained control of Kacha Moro during ongoing operation against desperate robbers and terrorists in Katcha areas of Rajanpur and Rahim Yar Khan, Police confirmed on Wednesday. A police spokesman said two fresh police pickets have been set up at the hideouts of runaway criminals in Kacha Moro, adding at least 75 territory have so far been retrieved from the influence of the anti-state elements and further advancement is continuing.
The spokesman further said at least seven robbers have been killed, 13 others have surrendered themselves, and 31 arrested. Police retrieved nine kidnapped victims and seized a huge cache of arms and ammunition from the hideouts of criminals. Earlier, the police got vacated Basti Ghani Lathani and its surroundings from the criminals and took complete control of the area by destroying their several hideouts. The grand operation against the Kacha area criminals under the leadership of IG Punjab Police Dr Usman Anwar was continuing to achieve success. With the help of vehicles, modern technology, on Sunday too, the police forces under the leadership of DPO Rizwan Umar Gondal continued to advance.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP