Police resolved the mystery of a blind murder case and traced out the suspects involved in the murder of a 5years child in Shujabad, police confirmed on Friday. According to the media reports, woman along with his brother killed a 5years old boy whose uncle had rejected the marriage proposal of the woman. The woman killed the child to take revenge of her marriage proposal rejection. The suspects were identified as Tehzeeb and her brother Danish. The suspects killed the child and kept his dead body in a room. After several hours of the disappearance, the victim’s family reported the matter to the police on Apr 19th. Upon being informed about the police arrival the suspects threw the dead body of the youngster in adjacent plot.
The police after recovering the dead body sent it to hospital for post-mortem examination. The autopsy report revealed that child died due to suffocation and the police started investigating the matter in a speciafic direction and was able to trace the suspects. The investigation revealed that the suspects were neighbour of the victim and the female was involved in a relation with the uncle of the victim named Dilshad. The woman killed the youngster after Dilshad’s refused to marry her after years-long friendship.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP