The district police of Bahawalpur have taken 23 suspects into custody and recovered hashish, liquor and cash from their possession. A spokesman for Bahawalpur police said here that acting on a tip-off, a police team of PS Hasilpur arrested a suspect and recovered 520 grams hashish from his possession. Two separate teams of PS Bahawalpur (Sadar) and PS Hasilpur conducted raids at dens lying within their jurisdiction and apprehended two drug pushers besides recovering 110 liters locally made liquor from their possession.
Two men were arrested and booked in case of driving vehicles with very high speed while violating limits on highways passing through the jurisdiction of PS Dera Nawab Sahb and PS Hasilpur. The police of PS Kotwali and PS Chani Gothhave taken 13 gamblers into custody and recovered gambling money from their possession. Five persons were arrested for violating Punjab Sound Act in areas lying within jurisdiction of PS Ahmadpur and PS Chani Goth. The police have lodged separate cases against the accused. Further probe was in process.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP