District Attack police on Monday nabbed two drug peddlers and recovered hashish worth of rupees lacs from their possession with the jurisdiction of police station Hazro and Attock Khurd here on Monday. Police said, on a tip off drug supplier identified as Manzoor Khan son of Ghani Khan hailing from Mardan was intercepted on the charge of possessing hashish of 1400 grams near Phalail Market Hazro.
Meanwhile, Attock Khurd police arrested a drug pusher Mohammad Ramzan after chasing him and recovered hashish of 1200 grams from his possession. Later on, cases under section 9-C of Control of Narcotics Substance Act, 1997. They were also produced before the court of judicial magistrate for seeking their physical remand to complete the other legal formalities required for completion of the police challan.
Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP