Pakistan hails the adoption by UN Climate Summit of its proposed agenda item "Matters relating to funding arrangements for loss and damage. This was stated by Pakistan ambassador to the United Nations and Chairman Group of 77 and China, Mumir Akram in his remarks at the opening session of UN Climate Summit at Sharm el-Sheikh. The agenda item was proposed by Pakistan on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, during inter-sessional work at Bonn, Germany, in June this year. It envisages compensating developing nations for mounting damage linked to climate change. The agenda item on loss and damage was the only one out of eight additional items proposed by various groups, which was adopted by consensus. All the rest were dropped due to lack of consensus. The adoption of agenda is recognition of the fact that countries, like Pakistan, which confront climate-induced disasters, should not be left to fend for themselves.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP