Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan said his party would initiate talks with the government only if the ruling coalition was ready to immediately dissolved the assemblies and go into elections. During an informal conversation with journalists during his appearance in the Islamabad High Court (IHC) for bail in a mutiny case, the former premier said he had asked Shah Mahmood Qureshi and Fawad Chaudhry, who are the part of the PTI’s team holding dialogue with the government, to not proceed if they insist on holding elections in September and October.
After the high court granted him bail in the case filed against him for allegedly inciting public against institution till May 3, he took to Twitter claiming that Islamabad police had taken peaceful PTI workers into custody from outside the IHC. “Our workers were sitting in their vehicles peacefully when ICT police in brazen display of State oppression pulled them out & took them away. This is why they want elections to be delayed because they feel they can break PTI by then, through fear of jail & harassment. Won't work,” he wrote while tweeting a video showing police officials arrested his party supporters.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP