Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Syed Mohsin Naqvi has made it clear that there is no concession for the saboteurs involved in May 09, terrorist incidents and they all will be brought to book shortly. These views were expressed by him while chairing a high level meeting on law and order in Lahore on Thursday. Legal proceedings against the miscreants involved in the terrorist incidents of May 9 were reviewed during the meeting.
Mohsin Naqbi directed the police high-ups that all cases should be investigated in a professional and legally effective manner so that no criminal escapes the justice system. He said that those who took the law into their hands will be dealt with iron hands. Earlier, Caretaker Chief Minister visited Police Lines Faisalabad today and inquired about the health condition of Police personnel, injured in miscreants' attacks. He said that patience shown by the brave sons of Punjab Police is admirable. Mohsin Naqvi said that Police officers and youths have set a fine example of duty.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP