Awami Muslim League (AML) chief Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said on Wednesday the move of National Assembly Speaker Raja Pervez Ashraf to accept resignations of the PTI lawmakers had exposed the frightened leadership of the PML-N. In a surprise move, the speaker on Tuesday accepted the resignations of 34 PTI lawmakers and Sheikh Rashid as Imran Khan dropped a hint of his party’s return to the National Assembly to ensure that the dissident PTI legislators should not give vote of confidence to Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif if he would be asked by President Arif Alvi to go for it.
The AML chief warned that the country would further plunge into economic disaster and disorder if elections were not held on time. The coalition government hit the panic button when Imran Khan just gave a signal of his party’s return to the assemblies, he said, adding that the decision of accepting the resignations had damaged the government itself. He said such moves would prove futile as only elections were the suitable solution to the prevailing chaotic situation. He announced that he would hold a press conference in London on Thursday.
Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP