The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Wednesday sought the Punjab govt’s response to a plea seeking the identification of heirless bodies. Justice Sajid Sethi heard the plea of Azhar Siddique Advocate. The LHC bench after hearing the initial arguments of the applicant sought the Punjab government’s response to the plea and directed it to submit a detailed report regarding steps being taken to identify heirless bodies.
The Punjab government has been directed to also provide details about the number of identified heirless bodies. Azhar Siddique Advocate in his plea said that heirless bodies kept at the various hospitals of the province are being humiliated, which is a violation of human rights. Further hearing on the plea has been adjourned until February 7.
On October 13, last year, Adviser to the Punjab Chief Minister, Chaudhry Zaman Gujjar, spotted unclaimed bodies left abandoned on the roof of Nishtar Hospital in Multan. The videos showed the horrors of Nishtar Hospital’s dead house packed with rotten bodies. In the videos and pictures, some bodies and old wooden cot were thrown on the floor.
Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP