The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Tuesday ordered the interior ministry to remove the name of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Farrukh Habib from the Exit Control List (ECL). LHC judge Justice Anwarul Haq announced the verdict which he reserved on the former state minister’s pea seeking removal of his name from the ECL. On Monday, after the completion of arguments by the lawyers, the court reserved its verdict on the request to remove Farrukh Habib’s name from the ECL.
It is pertinent to mention here that PTI leader Farrukh Habib had stated in the request that he wanted to go to Dubai on April 28, but he was offloaded from the plane at Lahore airport. He was informed that his name was included in the No-Fly List, and his passport and luggage were confiscated at the airport due to political affiliation listed in the ECL. In the request, it was pleaded to the court to order the return of his passport and luggage, and to direct the federal government to remove his name from the ECL.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP