District Returning Officers (DROs) on Friday rejected applications for recounting on seven LG seats in Malir and Kemari. DRO Malir rejected four pleas of the Pakistan People’s Party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Jamaat-e-Islami for recounting citing the results not less than five per cent. In Kemari, the DRO also rejected three applications for recounting on the same ground, the sources said and added that no recounting is taking place in the South and East districts of Karachi.
Earlier PTI and Jamaat-e-Islami’s (JI) plea challenging the results of three councilors’ seats in Baldia UC-2 in Karachi LG polls. PTI and JI moved SHC against the victory of Pakistan People’s Party candidates from Baldia UC-2. The court said as per law, it cannot hear the plea regarding alleged ‘rigging’ in the polls at present and directed the parties to contact the election tribunal on the issue. It may be noted that all the political parties are raising allegations of rigging during the Karachi LG polls.
Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP