An anti-terrorism court in the Punjab capital on Friday granted bail to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran till June 2 in three different cases. ATC Judge Ijaz Ahmed Buttar announced the verdict after hearing arguments from the former premier’s counsel Salman Safdar in cases related to attack on the Jinnah House, PTI protesters’ clashes with police at Zaman Park and Ali Bilal aka Zillay Shah’s murder. The cases were registered against the PTI chief at Sarwar road, Shahdman and Gulberg police stations.
Mr Khan, who has been facing multiple cases since his ouster from the PM’s Office through no-confidence vote, also appeared before the court after he was summoned by the court. Strict security measures were taken to avoid any untoward situation. While announcing the ruling, the ATC judge barred the police from arresting him till June 2. He also directed Imran Khan to join the investigation in the cases and submit surety bonds worth Rs100,000 in all the cases.
Meanwhile, the court has reserved verdict on bail pleas filed by the PTI chief in two others cases, saying it will announce its ruling after hearing arguments from the prosecution. During the hearing, Salman Safdar argued that his client was being victimised politically. He also rejected the allegations that public and private properties were damaged at the invocation of the PTI chief.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP