The administration of University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar on Wednesday sought an explanation from Associate Professor Dr Sajjad Wali Khan for critically responding to a tweet of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Higher Education Kamran Bangash. Dr Sajjad Wali Khan is an associate professor at the Civil Engineering Department of UET Jalozai Campus Peshawar. Kamran Bangash tweeted a few days ago and in response Dr Sajjad Wali Khan wrote that the incumbent government is setting up new universities in order to score political points, meanwhile already existing universities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are suffering from financial crunch.
The professor further added that the provincial government has so far failed to establish the mechanism for higher education in the province and engineers are unemployed here. He then alleged that the provincial government has transferred all the funds to Engineering University Swat instead of existing universities. Following that response, the Vice Chancellor Engineering University took notice of this responsive tweet thread and sought an explanation from the professor within seven days.
Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP