The lawyers of former prime minister Imran Khan on Wednesday requested a district and sessions court to restore his bailable warrant in the case of threatening a woman judge. Judicial Magistrate Malik Aman heard the case against Imran Khan for threatening Zeba Chaudhry. Imran’s lawyer argued that the life of his client was in danger. He had escaped an attempt on his life. The Islamabad High Court has already restored his bailable warrant in other cases.
The judge remarked that the prosecution has not yet appeared before him and adjourned the hearing till 11 am today. Meanwhile, the PTI chief has been summoned by two different courts of Islamabad today. Civil Judge Rana Mujahid Rahim has summoned Imran in the woman judge intimidation case, while Civil Judge Mubasher Hassan Chishti in the long march vandalism case.
Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP