Another alleged audio leak of former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan has surfaced on Friday. An alleged audio clip appeared on social media, like previous clips from unidentified sources, purportedly revealing a conversation of Imran Khan with an unidentified personality, discussing the number game before the no- confidence motion against him. “Don’t think that everything has ended, 48 hours are remaining in which ‘major’ developments are taking place,” Khan can be heard talking in the alleged audio leak related to no confidence motion against him. In the alleged audio, the former prime minister can be heard saying.
“I am making some moves on my own that we cannot make public.” Khan can be heard giving directions to someone in the alleged audio leak we have five secure five others so we will be having 10 and the game will be in our hands. The nation is alarmed and wants us to win the no-confidence motion, the alleged audio revealed. It may be noted that already two of Imran Khan’s alleged audios have been leaked online, having a conversation over the diplomatic cypher. Earlier on September 28, alleged audio of former premier Imran Khan and his key aide Azam Khan discussing US cypher, which PTI chief claimed led to the ouster of his government, was leaked online.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP