A ceremony was held here to commemorate the launching of Pakistan's first space rocket by SUPARCO om 7th June, 1962. The ceremony was arranged by Islamabad Citizens Committee. The pioneers of launching the rocket were awarded special shields along with certificates on the occasion. They included SUPARCO's former chairmen, Dr. Tariq Mustafa and Mr.Saleem Mehmud. The shields & certificates were distributed to them by President of ICC, Syed M. Siddiq Hasan. On the occasion, Dr. Tariq Mustafa & Mr.Salim Mahmoud highlighted the success story, stating that Pakistan was second country after USA which launched the rocket into space in 1962.
Pakistan was also first country in the Muslim World and developing nations which had achieved this milestone. They also deliberated as to how SUPARCO came into being and how it accomplished this particular task in a record time. Both the pioneers of this mission informed the audience that they still cherished those memories. Those who also eulogised the historical moments of launching this rocket, included Mr.Anwer Habib, former Chairman, PNRA & Mr.Waqar Butt, Vice President, Pakistan Nuclear Society. Syed Siddiq Hasan said they will continue to pay tributes to their national heroes.
Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP