Awami Muslim League (AML) Chief Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed said on Thursday lashing out on the government have said that it had put axe on its own foot by taking such action against the PTI chief. In his media statement he said that he was depressed over worsening political situation in the country following the arrest of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan. He added “It would be better to go to jail,” the former interior minister lamented over political turmoil that has spilled to streets. Lashing out at the ruling coalition of 13 parties, he said their only agenda was to disqualify Imran Khan and put him in jail.He said such tactics would not suppress the political importance of the PTI chief but they were proving favourable for him. He said the government had put axe on its own foot by taking such action against the PTI chief.
He said the ruling partners had crippled the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) in order to get their cases removed. Sheikh said masses were fed up with the incompetent government as it was unable to deliver.Sheikh said several people had lost their lives only in Lahore during confrontation between PTI protesters and police. He said the PTI leaders, who were picked by Imran Khan for talks with the government, had been arrested from the court premises. Sheikh Rashid said security was being provided to those who have looted public money. “Pakistan Army is a great institution and it cannot open fire on public,” he said, adding that it was injustice to damage the military’s departments, he added. “The basic reason for violence is that the protests are being led by public itself,” he said.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP