Flour shortage continues in Balochistan, as the 20kg price of flour reached Rs 2,600 on Monday. As per details, the prices of flour have skyrocketed in Quetta and other parts of Balochistan while the commodity was not available in most shops across the province. The 20kg flour bag is being sold for Rs 2,600 now, which was Rs 2,300 three days back in the province.
Flour shortage has also hit the Quetta utility stores despite the government’s subsidized flour scheme. The flour mills association said that 25 thousand bags are required for 18 flour mills daily in Quetta. They urged the government to arrange 9 to 10 lac four bags on daily basis.
Earlier, a massive flour shortage hit the Quetta utility stores despite the government’s subsidized flour scheme. 1-kilo bag of flour is sold at Rs130 which was previously available at Rs125 in the province. Whereas the 20 kg is sold for Rs 2500, the 50 kg bag is raised from Rs 6000 to Rs 6500. The 100 kg large bag now cost Rs 12000. The flour mills association said that the hike in prices is the result of inefficiencies of the government. If flour is not provided to flour mills then the situation will get worse.
Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP