The first female assistant commissioner belonging to Hindu community took over charge of her office in Hassanabdal tehsil of Attock district on Wednesday. Dr Sana Ramchand Gulwani, 27, is in her first posting as the AC and administrator of the town after doing CSS. Dr Sana was the first female from the Hindu community to join the Pakistan Administrative Service (PAS) after passing the Central Superior Services (CSS) exam 2020.
Growing up in the small town of Chak in Shikarpur, Sindh, she got her primary and secondary education from a local government school. In 2016, she graduated from Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree. She pursued her studies as urologist and after this she started preparing for the CSS exam.
According to Dr Sana, her parents did not want her to go to the administration. The family’s dream was to see her in the medical profession itself. However, she achieved both the targets. Dr Sana Ramchand said she never had a problem being a member of the minority community.
“I am enjoying all rights in Pakistan,” she said. “First I am a Pakistani and then I am Hindu. I will live and die in my country. Hassanabdal is a beautiful city and I will try to enhance its beauty,” she said. On both Hassanabdal administrative seats, two officers belonging to minority community are performing duties. Municipal Committee Officer Hensin Karamat belongs to Christian community. He has additional charge of Hazro tehsil, besides Hassanabdal.
Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP