The Sindh High Court has directed the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) to block any defamatory and scandalous material being disseminated on social media sites against actor Rabia Iqbal aka Kubra Khan. The interim order came on petition filed by Kubra Khan against what she called a scandalous and defamatory campaign launched by YouTuber Adil Farooq Raja against her and three other actors on the social media.
After preliminary hearing, a two-judge bench comprising Justice Salahuddin Panhwar and Zulfiqar Ahmed Khan issued notices to the FIA chief, PTA chairman and others for Jan 9. In her plea, Kubra submitted that the YouTuber had made false allegations against four actresses. She further submitted that he was causing an affront to the actresses about their modesty and dignity by alleging that they were used by intelligence agencies and the establishment to lure politicians at their safe houses.
Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP