A cop of Punjab Elite force was martyred and a passerby suffered wounds during a fierce crossfire between the police and a gang of robbers in Rajanpur Kacha operation, police said on Wednesday. According to the police on the 25th day of the operation, police surrounded the hideouts and ambush sites of Attaullah Butt, the head of the Butt gang, in Rojhan Chak Imrani. The gang opened heavy fire on police and police also responded with firing on gang's hideouts. A fierce exchange of fire between the police and the robbers resulted in the death of a policeman of Elite force, while a pedestrian was also injured.
Police said that five operatives of Imrani and Qaisrani gangs surrendered before the law. The accused were involved in serious crimes such as robbery, murder, attempted murder, shooting at the police, and kidnapping for ransom. The number of arrests has now reached 33 in the operation, with three robbers being killed in encounters. Punjab IGP Dr Usman Anwar said the police morale is high and that the targeted operations would continue until complete elimination of criminals from the Kacha area. He said the surrender of the criminals is continued because of continuous and successful strategy of the police. The cases of surrendering suspects will be dealt with according to merit and justice, Anwar said, adding the police aim to restore the writ of the state in the area at any cost.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP