The Anti-Corruption Establishment and police have so far failed to arrest Punjab former chief minister and PTI President Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi after conducting a raid at his Lahore residence which started last night and continued for almost seven and a half hours. The lawyers of Pervaiz Elahi have decided to file the bail petition in the court later on Saturday. The total number of arrests being made at Elahi’s residence has reached 25. Police have rounded up mostly staffers employed at his house. A house maid was also arrested but police later released her.
An armoured police vehicle barged into Elahi’s house after breaking open its main gate. Police rummaged through all the rooms in the house but could not find Elahi. As the police force entered the house, they had to face a resistance by the house occupants and employees who pelted them with stones. A police official got injured during the clash. Chaudhry Shafey Hussain also got hurt when a glass shrapnel hit him. The search operation which continued for seven and a half hours ended in the wee hours of Saturday after law personnel left the place. Officials of Anti-Riot Police were also present on the Zahoor Elahi Road in Gulberg.
The Anti-Corruption Establishment (ACE) and police late Friday conducted a joint raid at the residence of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) President Pervaiz Elahi in Lahore to arrest the former Punjab CM in a corruption case. The legal team of Parvaiz showed up at the scene to argue that the former chief minister was granted pre-arrest/protective bail. As the raiding team led by the ACE regional director sought the court orders, the counsel presented a letterhead, stressing that the bail was granted by the court of Justice Tariq Saleem Sheikh till May 6 but certified bail orders were not gotten.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP