The Punjab Higher Education Department (HED) has announced the closure of all educational institutes’ schools, colleges and universities till May 12 tomorrow Friday. The department also postponed all the annual secondary school examinations to be held on May 11 (today) and 12 till further orders. Meanwhile the academic activities, including examinations, have been suspended for two days in the Bahawalpur region. Official sources in the education Department confirmed that academic activities had been suspended at schools and a few other educational institutions for two days from May 11-12 in the wake of the recent situation in Punjab province.
They said that the holding of examinations had also been postponed for two days or more in some educational institutions, adding that soon, a new schedule for examinations would be issued. The official sources further said that the Offices of Education Department and educational institutions, however, would remain open on the 11th and 12th of May. They said that the staff of the Education Department would also continue participation in the professional training for elections duties under the Election Commission.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP