The Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) on Thursday seized a convoy of 10 camels loaded with bags containing drugs during an operation in Gwadar. Officials of the ANF said that they had received a tip about drugs being smuggled across the border. Based on the tip, an ANF squad conducted an operation at the Kolanch area. The squad found suspects driving a convoy of 13 camels which were laden with large bags.
However, during the operation, the smugglers managed to flee from the spot but abandoned their camels. While searching the goods carried by the camels, ANF officials found them to be full of drugs (hashish). The drugs weighed around 1.4 tons. The recovered drugs were worth millions of rupees on the global market, the officials added. They further said that the alleged drug smugglers were taking the camels over dirt paths and camel routes across the border into Iran.
Credit : Independent News Pakistan-INP