A special Anti-Corruption Court of Lahore will announce its reserved verdict on former Punjab chief minister Parvez Elahi’s bail plea in a billion-rupee bribery and corruption case tomorrow. Anti-Corruption Court Judge Ali Raza will deliver the verdict. The anti-corruption court reserved its decision on Elahi’s bail application as he appeared in court over expiry of his interim bail. The court had granted interim bail to Parvez Elahi till today. During the proceedings, PTI President Elahi’s lawyer Amjad Pervaiz said a case of payment of Rs120 million was made against his client, adding the amount was paid by the Punjab cabinet and not the then chief minister.
There is no specific charge in the case against Parvez Elahi, the lawyer contended. The court has discharged the main suspect in the case, he added.The anti-corruption department probed Parvez Elahi without sending a notice, the lawyer maintained, adding the Rs120 million was released as per law and regulation.Later, speaking to the media outside the anti-corruption court, Elahi said when he was in power, he did not file a single case against the current rulers.The caretaker government took over for two months and has filed a plethora of cases, he lamented. “I gave mangoes as gift to Rana Sanaullah,” Elahi remarked, adding his decision to join the PTI was correct.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP