Punjab’s most wanted dacoit Karamat Ali, also known as “Kaka,” was killed in an encounter with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) – Lahore, police said on Tuesday. According to police spokesman, a police team had conducted a raid near NFC colony in Lahore to apprehend the dacoit. In an attempt to escape the arrest, the dacoits opened indiscriminate fire on the police party, resulting in a fierce exchange of gunfire. During the encounter, Karamat Ali, the accomplice of the dacoits, was severely injured by their own gunfire and later succumbed to his injuries. The deceased dacoit was wanted in 150 serious criminal cases.
Meanwhile, other dacoits managed to escape the arrest, however, the police authorities have stated that efforts to apprehend the wanted criminals. Earlier this week, Karachi police have managed to arrest a wanted criminal from Karachi’s Gulistan-e-Johar area. Following the exchange of gunfight, the police managed to apprehend an alleged criminal, identified as Sajjad, accused of murdering a police officer named Muhammad Shahid. According to police officials, the criminals opened fire when the police tried to stop them over suspicion, the police retaliated and managed to apprehend a criminal in injured condition while his two accomplices got successfully flee from the scene.
Credit: Independent News Pakistan-INP